

涉及吸血鬼起源故事的“ IT”总监



截止时间 据报道,派拉蒙影业已获得以下权利: 德拉库尔,是Bram Stoker的前传 德古拉 这是Stoker地产首次批准此类项目。

大新闻是 IT 导演安迪·穆斯基埃蒂(Andy Muschietti)以及制片人芭芭拉·穆斯基埃蒂(Barbara Muschietti)和罗伊·李(Roy Lee)也都与这笔交易有关,尽管我们不确定安迪·穆斯基埃蒂(Andy Muschietti)将扮演什么角色。

这个故事是由达克里·斯托克(Dacre Stoker)和JD巴克(JD Barker)撰写的,故事发生在1869年,当时年轻的布拉姆(Bram)面对不朽的吸血鬼,然后他被困在一座古老的塔楼中,同时记录了这个故事。 成为传奇.

这个起源故事最近在一次拍卖会上卖给了普特南的马克·塔瓦尼(Mark Tavani),而德兰库尔(Tranworld)的西蒙·泰勒(Simon Taylor)则以先发制人的方式收购了德拉库尔(Dracul)在英国的版权。

派拉蒙公司的Vanessa Joyce将与Veritigo Entertainment的Miri Yoon一起监督该项目的开发。

尽管环球影业试图复活他们的黑暗宇宙,但在电影院可能会有一些竞争,尽管目前尚无消息说环球影业会在今年夏天的低迷回报之后向哪个方向发展? 木乃伊.

而且通常情况下,通常会在专营店打算去的地方放贷后预告片,但是 木乃伊 上次贷记后,他是黑人

Muschietti的另一个时机因素可能与他周围的工作有关 IT 2,一些 主任说这是他的首要任务,之后他计划掌舵 太空堡垒, 他在接受采访时说




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‘Clown Motel 3,’ Films At America’s Scariest Motel!



There is just something about clowns that can evoke feelings of eeriness or discomfort. Clowns, with their exaggerated features and painted-on smiles, are already somewhat removed from typical human appearance. When portrayed in a sinister manner in movies, they can trigger feelings of fear or unease because they hover in that unsettling space between familiar and unfamiliar. The association of clowns with childhood innocence and joy can make their portrayal as villains or symbols of terror even more disturbing; just writing this and thinking about clowns is making me feel quite uneasy. Many of us can relate to each other when it comes to the fear of clowns! There is a new clown film on the horizon, Clown Motel: 3 Ways To Hell, which promises to have an army of horror icons and provide tons of bloody gore. Check out the press release below, and stay safe from these clowns!

Clown Motel – Tonopah, Nevada

The Clown Motel named the “Scariest Motel in America,” is located in the quiet town of Tonopah, Nevada, renowned among horror enthusiasts. It boasts an unsettling clown theme that permeates every inch of its exterior, lobby, and guest rooms. Situated across from a desolate cemetery from the early 1900s, the motel’s eerie ambiance is heightened by its proximity to the graves.

Clown Motel spawned its first movie, 小丑汽车旅馆照片, back in 2019, but now we are on to the third!

Director and Writer Joseph Kelly is back at it again with Clown Motel: 3 Ways To Hell, and they officially launched their ongoing campaign.

Clown Motel 3 aims big and is one of the biggest networks of horror franchise actors since the 2017 Death House.

小丑汽车旅馆 introduces actors from:

万圣节 (1978) – Tony Moran – known for his role as the unmasked Michael Myers.

周五13th (1980) – Ari Lehman – the original young Jason Voorhees from the inaugural “Friday The 13th” film.

A Nightmare on Elm Street Parts 4 & 5 – Lisa Wilcox – portrays Alice.

驱魔人 (1973) – Elieen Dietz – Pazuzu Demon.

德州电锯杀人狂 (2003) – Brett Wagner – who had the first kill in the film as “Kemper Kill Leather Face.’

Scream Parts 1 & 2 – Lee Waddell – known for playing the original Ghostface.

众议院1000尸体 (2003) – Robert Mukes – known for playing Rufus alongside Sheri Zombie, Bill Moseley, and the late Sid Haig.

Poltergeist Parts 1 & 2—Oliver Robins, known for his role as the boy terrorized by a clown under the bed in Poltergeist, will now flip the script as the tables turn!

WWD, now known as WWE – Wrestler Al Burke joins the lineup!

With a lineup of horror legends and set at America’s Most terrifying motel, this is a dream come true for fans of horror films everywhere!

Clown Motel: 3 Ways To Hell

What’s a clown movie without actual real-life clowns, though? Joining the film are Relik, VillyVodka, and, of course, Mischief – Kelsey Livengood.

Special Effects will be done by Joe Castro, so you know the gore will be bloody good!

A handful of returning cast members include Mindy Robinson (VHS, Range 15), Mark Hoadley, Ray Guiu, Dave Bailey, DieTrich, Bill Victor Arucan, Denny Nolan, Ron Russell, Johnny Perotti (Hammy), Vicky Contreras. For more information on the film, visit Clown Motel’s official Facebook Page.

Making a comeback into feature films and just announced today, Jenna Jameson will also be joining the side of the clowns. And guess what? A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join her or the handful of horror icons on set for a one-day role! More info can be found on Clown Motel’s Campaign page.

Actress Jenna Jameson joins the cast.

After all, who wouldn’t want to be killed by an icon?

Executive Producers Joseph Kelly, Dave Bailey, Mark Hoadley, Joe Castro

Producers Nicole Vegas, Jimmy Star, Shawn C. Phillips, Joel Damian

Clown Motel 3 Ways to Hell is written and directed by Joseph Kelly and promises a blend of horror and nostalgia.








从下水道崛起,变装演员和恐怖电影爱好者 真正的埃尔病毒 带领粉丝走进幕后 最大 系列 欢迎来到德里 独家热门巡演。该剧计划于 2025 年上映,但具体日期尚未确定。

拍摄于加拿大进行 霍普港,虚构的新英格兰小镇德里的替身,位于 史蒂芬金宇宙。从 1960 世纪 XNUMX 年代起,这个寂静的地方已经变成了一个小镇。

欢迎来到德里 是导演的前传系列 安德鲁·穆斯切蒂 《国王》的两部分改编 It。该系列的有趣之处在于它不仅涉及 It,而是所有住在德里的人——其中包括《国王》中的一些标志性人物。

艾尔病毒,打扮成 PENNYWISE,巡演热门片场,小心翼翼地不透露任何剧透,并与 Muschietti 本人交谈,后者准确地透露了 形成一种 发音他的名字: 穆斯基埃蒂.


看看下面,让我们知道您的想法。那么你期待MAX系列吗? 欢迎来到德里?








我们最近报道了一个故事,讲述了一位观看了该节目的观众如何 在暴力的本性中 生病并呕吐。这条轨道,特别是如果你读了今年圣丹斯电影节首映后的评论,来自一位评论家 今日美国 说这是“我见过的最残酷的杀戮”。

这部恐怖片的独特之处在于,它主要是从杀手的角度观看的,这可能是一名观众扔掉饼干的一个因素 在最近 筛选于 芝加哥影评人电影节.

你们那些与 强壮的胃 电影将于31月XNUMX日在影院限量上映,想要近距离接触自己的约翰的可以等到电影上映。 不寒而栗 之后的某个时间。



