

iHorror聚焦:“血量:恐怖故事” –“死亡日聚会”部分–访谈。



血量:恐怖故事 –细分“死亡日聚会”。

演员杰伊·伍尔斯顿(Jay Woolston)–“约翰”。

iHorror: What is the most extreme change to your personality that you have done to prepare yourself for the role of John?

Jay Woolston: I’m not sure I had to change much in my personality to play John. He is a person who knows how to say and do the appropriate things to blend in. I think most people have that quality. John is just maybe a little more calculated in the way that he does it. And I like to think I’m not quite as dorky. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway.

iH: 您是如何加入该项目的? 这是传统的试镜吗?

JW: In terms of how I got involved with the project, I’ve known PJ Starks for several years, and I saw the audition notice on Facebook. I knew the first Volumes of Blood had gotten a very good reception, so I definitely wanted to try to be a part of the sequel. I drove to Owensboro and auditioned for him and Eric Huskisson. It was a pretty standard audition. They sent me some sides, and I did the scene a few times for them. They also had me read for another role. It was very laid back. I was actually joking with PJ on the set about the fact that he cast me in a movie years ago that he never made. And I keep telling him I’m going to talk him into making it. My role was an alcoholic priest. Sounds like a great part to me. I’m gonna keep working on him and get this thing made!

iH: What are your favorite traits about your character, John?

JW: If there’s anything I like about John, aside from the aforementioned dorkiness, I guess it’s his insecurity about getting older. It’s a very understandable thing, and I think it makes him relatable to some degree. He’s no longer the man he used to be, and I get the sense that he has lost a lot of confidence in the last few years.

iH: Besides acting do you occupy another profession?

JW: I don’t make my living as an actor. I have a full-time factory job. Luckily, I have several outlets for my acting. I do quite a bit of acting and directing at a local theater, and I have been getting more into the film scene over the last few years.

iH: 您是恐怖类型的粉丝吗? 如果是这样,您最喜欢的电影是什么?对您有什么启发?

JW: I am definitely a horror fan, although not to the degree that most of the other people involved in this project are. I was lucky enough to grow up during the time when all of the classic modern horror films were being released- 万圣节, 星期五13th, Nightmare On Elm Street. Some really iconic films and characters. And you can see small homages to these films in our movie with the way certain scenes are shot. Film is a visual medium, and horror films have some of the most memorable images in filmmaking.

iH: 您目前在谈论什么吗?

JW: I’m not currently working on anything. It’s tough for me to do projects sometimes because of working full time. I have to fit projects into my schedule. When I do find something, it has to be something I’m really excited about and something I can devote a decent amount of time to. VOBHS was great, because I drove down to Owensboro and spent two days filming nonstop. It was like a little mini-vacation.



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迈克·弗拉纳根 (Mike Flanagan) 正在洽谈为布卢姆豪斯导演新《驱魔人》电影



迈克·弗拉纳根(Mike Flanagan) (山屋的困扰)是必须不惜一切代价保护的国宝。他不仅创造了一些有史以来最好的恐怖系列,而且还成功地制作了一部真正令人恐惧的显灵板电影。

从报表 截止时间 昨天 表明我们可能会从这位传奇故事大师身上看到更多。根据 截止时间 资料来源 弗拉纳根 正在与...谈判 百隆豪斯环球影业 来指导下一步 祓魔师 电影。 然而, 环球影业百隆豪斯 目前拒绝对此次合作发表评论。

迈克·弗拉纳根(Mike Flanagan)
迈克·弗拉纳根(Mike Flanagan)

此更改发生在 驱魔人:信徒 没见面 Blumhouse的 期望。最初, 大卫·戈登·格林 (万圣节)被雇用来创建三个 祓魔师 为制作公司拍摄电影,但他已经离开了该项目,专注于他的制作 胡桃夹子.

如果交易成功, 弗拉纳根 将接管特许经营权。看看他的往绩,这可能是正确的举动 祓魔师 特许经营权。 弗拉纳根 始终如一地提供令人惊叹的恐怖媒体,让观众渴望更多。

这也将是一个完美的时机 弗拉纳根,因为他刚刚结束拍摄 斯蒂芬·金 适应, 查克的生活。这并不是他第一次参与 国王 的产品。 弗拉纳根 也改编了 怪博士杰拉尔德的比赛.

他还创造了一些令人惊叹的 Netflix公司 原件。这些包括 山屋的困扰, 布莱庄园的萦绕, 午夜俱乐部,最近, 厄舍古屋的倒塌.

If 弗拉纳根 确实接管了,我认为 祓魔师 特许经营权将得到良好的管理。






A24 《The Guest》与《You're Next》二人组打造新动作惊悚片《猛攻》



在恐怖世界中重逢总是令人高兴。经过激烈的竞标战后, A24 已获得新动作惊悚片的版权 猛攻. 亚当·温加德 (哥斯拉vs.孔)将执导这部电影。他的长期创意合作伙伴将加入他的行列 西蒙·巴雷特 (你是下一个)作为编剧。

对于那些不知情的人, Wingard巴瑞特 在合作拍摄诸如 你是下一个 来宾。这两个创意都是恐怖皇室的名片。两人合作过的电影包括 V / H / S, 布莱尔女巫, ABC的死亡可怕的死亡方式.

独家 刊文 出的 截止时间 为我们提供了有关该主题的有限信息。虽然我们没有太多的事情可做 截止时间 确实提供以下信息。


“情节细节目前处于保密状态,但这部电影继承了温加德和巴雷特的经典电影的风格,比如 来宾 和 你是下一个。 Lyrical Media 和 A24 将共同出资。 A24 将负责全球发行。主要拍摄将于 2024 年秋季开始。”

A24 将一起制作这部电影 亚伦赖德安德鲁·斯威特 莱德图片 公司, 亚历山大·布莱克 抒情媒体, Wingard杰里米·普拉特 脱离文明 西蒙·巴雷特.










根据一个 刊文截止时间, 路易斯·莱特里尔 (黑暗水晶:抵抗时代)即将用他的新科幻恐怖电影来改变现状 11817. 莱特里尔 将制作并导演这部新电影。 11817 是由光荣的人写的 马修·罗宾逊 (说谎的发明).

火箭科学 将把影片带到 戛纳电影节 寻找买家。虽然我们对这部电影的具体内容还不太了解, 截止时间 提供以下情节概要。


“导演让观众深入角色背后的项目一直是我的重点。无论多么复杂、有缺陷、多么英勇,当我们经历他们的旅程时,我们都会认同他们,”莱特里尔说。 “这就是让我兴奋的地方 11817完全原创的概念和家庭是我们故事的核心。这是电影观众不会忘记的体验。”

莱特里尔 过去因制作深受喜爱的系列作品而出名。他的投资组合包括宝石,例如 现在你看我, 不可思议的绿巨人, 泰坦之战转运。他目前正致力于创建决赛 速度与激情 电影。然而,看看莱特里尔可以用一些较暗的主题材料做些什么将会很有趣。



